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Urgent : Beware Of Fraudulent Hosting Companies

Dear all,

We here by would like to inform you Important Announcement.

It has come to our notice that many customer are receiving calls / SMS from fraudulent Companies, seeking renewals of domain names and hosting at discounted rates, Such companies then threaten the customers with exorbitant renewal rates from next year.

Few of companies have reportedly ripped off customers of their domain names.
We would sincerely request our customer to not fall in such trap.
Though these companies appear cheap at first instance, they could turn out very expensive. All the renewal is to be placed in the name of aalpha NET only. Please do not pay any further charges any to other companies without concerning to aalpha NET team.

If you receive any kind of such mail or Hard copy of invoice from any other company than aalpha NET, then kindly let us know our contact no. : 0452 4374875 or send a mail to : domains@aalphanet.com


Domains Team
aalpha NET

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