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LINUXMELA and Linuxboom Servers

We at aalpha NET are working hard to increase the level of performance for our clients and their web hosting services. We are replacing the automatic scripts installer Fantastico with the much better installer Softaculous. Your scripts installed using Fantastico will not be affected and they will continue to work without any problems after the switch to Softaculous. Below you can see the steps we will take to perform the migration from Fantastico to Softaculous.

1. We will install Softaculous to the server
2. We will remove Fantastico from the server

Why are we doing this change?
Softaculous is easier to use, scripts updates happen in timely manner, security is much better and it has more scripts ready to be installed than Fantastico.

We are sending this message just to notify you about the changes we are going to do. Nothing is required to be done from your end.

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